Holy crap y'all - I usually don't post brand new stuff right after I get it, but I couldn't let this one sit on the shelf for another day! Barcelona's CS-137 have made a fucking masterpiece here - who the hell are these guys? If I had to try to deconstruct this sound...let's start with the insane riffs and perfect d-beating of TOTALITAR and SKITKIDS, some epic but tasteful DEATHSIDE guitar elements, and the sickly growled vocals of NERORGASMO (sometimes growl-sung!), and you're somewhere in the ballpark of CS-137. But don't take the comparisons too heavily - this is really fucking original sounding. No posing here. All 14 tracks are short, interesting, rampaging, and catchy. This is the best new hardcore band I've heard in a looooong time. Fucking Downloooooad!

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